Mommy and daddy had quite the adventure yesterday. Uncle Bobby and Auntie E came over to play in the pool. All I did was walk down to the pool and get in. I wasn't playing around or anything(the boys were playing basketball in the pool). I started having a bunch of contractions. I thought it was very strange because the pool usually helps me relax and this time it didn't. I tried sitting on the steps and not moving. That didn't work either.
I told Bill and we all headed back inside. It took me forever to make it inside, because the contractions were getting pretty strong. I headed to the shower, thinking maybe that could help. The contractions didn't stop and started to have a 3-4min. pattern and getting even stronger.
I knew that my dr would have me lay on my left side and drink fluids. So to the couch I went with water. I started writing down my contractions on a note pad, Bill looked at it at the 45min. mark and couldn't believe how many I had(there was quite the list).
After being on the couch for 90min strait, they weren't slowing down or getting easier. I called the nurse on call and she passed on the message to my dr. My dr returned the call very quickly, and she asked me to come in to the hospital(I knew she was already there, because the number that came up was the hospitals number).
By this time I was having a difficult time talking through the contractions, and Bill looked a little nervous.
When Bill dropped me off at the front door, the security guard met me at the door with a wheelchair(no guessing why I was there, lol). He wheeled me upstairs before Bill could even make it to the front door. They checked me in to a triage room, and started a bunch of questions. I answered them the best I could through contractions.
Minutes later, my dr entered. She explained that she wanted to do check my cervix and run a few tests and give me a shot(terbutaline) to stop the contractions. My cervix checked out ok, I wasn't dilated at all. So that was good news #1. The nurse put the monitors on my belly to check out the babies and contractions. She gave me the shot and tried to start the IV. The shot wasn't too bad and she wasn't successful with the first attempt with the IV. She managed to make the side of my wrist swell up and look like I had a growth. By this time I started feeling very strange from the shot. I told the nurse that the room was getting very dark and that I thought I was going to pass out.
She took out the IV from my arm and called in another nurse to put the IV in my other arm. They ended up putting me on oxygen and had me keep talking to them. It was the strangest feeling in the world, come to find out my blood pressure had dropped (didn't tell me what it dropped to). The other nurse was able to get my IV in w/o a problem. I can hardly tell where my IV went, but I can tell you exactly where the first one went, it is very bruised today.
They pumped me full of 2 bags of fluid and had me rest. My dr had to head to OR and said she would check on me as soon as she was finished. While I was waiting on my dr, the nurse came back in and said that my test results came back and that I was negative for actual pre term labor.
When my dr came back, she said that my tests came back great. She said one of the tests showed bacteria, but she was sending it off to the lab and would contact me if I needed to be treated for it. She said that this could have been caused because of it being a twin pregnancy, an infection, dehydration, or the combination.
So now I'm taking it even easier than before, drinking a bunch of water, and that is about it. Please continue to pray for our little ones and that they stay inside longer to "cook". We know that God has everything under control, and that he has it all planned out. We can't wait to meet our little ones, but we know they need to stay inside a few more weeks.
Thanks for reading my "book".