Yesterday we went shopping for clothes that fit over this belly and will continue to fit the rest of the pregnancy (we pray). This is one of the dresses that we found, and I LOVE it, it is so comfortable.
Many of you have asked if we are registered and if so where. I've made it easy for you and I'm going to include links here in this post and off to the side of our blog so that you can find them anytime.
We are registered at
Wal-mart and
Babies R UsWe will be back in MI April 6th- April 12th. We will be trying to see as many of you as we can. My wonderful best friend Stefanie is hosting a shower for us on April 6th. Ladies if you don't get an invitation in the next few weeks, let me know, because it must have been an oversight. As soon as I get the rest of the shower details, I will post them. I would love for all of my friends and family to be able to attend.
Please continue to pray for the health of our growing family. We will be going to our next Drs appt on March 25th for a check up. Our big ultrasound will be on April 14th and we hope that we will be able to find out what we are having at that time. The big ultrasound is going to be done at a specialist here in Gastonia that specializes in high risk pregnancies.
We have no idea who is looking at our blog or what they think of it. Family and Friends, please post a comment when you read. We miss all of you and would love a quick little line or two. At the bottom of the post, there is a link for comments, just click on that and post a comment. You don't have to have an account to post a comment, just put your name in your comment.
Hugs to all!!! We love you!!!