Friday, November 12, 2010

Michigan Trip

We are looking forward to our upcomming trip to Michigan. We have been practicing all of the names of our family and friends. They know that we are going to be seeing family soon and ask about it often. Please pray for a safe trip and that the kids don't get too bored with the long drive. Please don't take it personal if we don't get to you over the holidays. We are going to try our very best to see everyone, but we don't want to stretch ourselves out too much.

Bekah is getting used to routines and was very cute this morning. Yesterday we were all home. Bill and I both had the day off. When Bekah woke up she said "go to church mommy?" She is so used to having Saturday at home and then going to church the next day. She made me proud. Yesterday while eating dinner she said "mommy... Jesus loves me!" Moments like these remind me of how blessed we are to be parents. I'm so thankful to have these moments, even the frustrating times of parenting are made a lot easier.

Billy has a double ear infection for the second time in less than 6 weeks. He was a good sport when we went to the Dr. He has been very sweet while he has been sick. Bill and I have both enjoyed the snuggling he has been asking to do. He loves making people laugh and having us name things for us. We are organizing the kids closet and found one of Bill's machbox cars. Billy has been having a blast playing with Daddy's car. When we find the rest of them we will get them out for him.

Please continue to pray for us with parenting and growing a Christian family. Everyday we are blessed with joys and new challenges.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Can't wait to see you guys!!! love you.